Our Partners

Our Community Partners

Across the country, schools are being called to question the status quo. In the wake of Covid-19, learning loss and growing mental health challenges are exacerbating pre-existing inequities. At the same time, AI and shifting job markets are elevating important questions about what it means to be “prepared.” 

While the need to reinvent is clear, few communities are setting themselves up to change – to define and realize a future that is relevant for this generation. 

The South San Francisco Unified and Ravenswood City school districts are poised to buck that trend.

Fueled by a commitment to equity and excellence, these districts and communities are committing to developing shared visions for students and pursuing the bold changes required to realize those visions and dramatically improve student experiences and outcomes.

South San Francisco Unified School District

We launched our formal partnership with SSFUSD in the Fall of 2023. Together, we committed to (1) build and deepen working relationships across all stakeholders, (2) co-create a shared vision for students with the community, and (3) address immediate student and educator needs. In partnership, we have built a strong foundation for a deeply inclusive and sustainable transformation effort in less than a year.

Read more about SSFUSD’s work and their Portrait of a Graduate, which was co-designed by the community and adopted by the board.

In SY23-24, we have set three goals for our ongoing partnership: (1) support SSFUSD to adopt and begin implementing a transformational multi-year strategic plan successfully, (2) support aligned, immediate impact opportunities to begin improving student experiences and outcomes, and (3) continue to cultivate shared commitment and sense of agency across key stakeholders to help realize their Portrait of a Graduate.

Ravenswood City School District

We officially kick off our partnership in the Fall of 2023 with the Ravenswood community and district. Over the next 12-18 months, we’ll support local leaders to bring together families, communities, teachers, district leaders, and philanthropy to co-design a vision for students and then begin implementing proven solutions for change.

Our Partners in the Work